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“Italy Takes a Stand: Prime Minister Meloni Pushes for Humanitarian Aid and New Routes to Gaza”

Italy’s Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, has made an important announcement regarding Italy’s relationship with the Gaza Strip. According to a report by Reuters, Meloni stated during a speech in the Senate that Italy will be moving away from the occupied territory, which is currently controlled by Hamas. In her address, the prime minister expressed grave concerns about the Israeli military operations in Rafah, fearing dire consequences for the civilian population residing in the conflict-ridden region.

Additionally, Meloni highlighted the urgent need for humanitarian aid to reach the affected population in Gaza. To address this, she emphasized that priority will be given to providing necessary assistance and, in an effort to facilitate aid delivery, proposed the establishment of new routes, such as air corridors and maritime passages from Cyprus to Gaza.

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.