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“Disaster Strikes Voghjaberd: Flooding Displaces Residents and Contaminates Drinking Water, Urgent Measures Underway”

News has been received in the Emergency Situations Department of Kotayk that heavy rainfall has caused flooding and displacement of residents in the village of Voghjaberd in the province. The flood waters have also contaminated and displaced drinking water sources in the community, affecting approximately 8 million drams worth of supplies.

According to a report by, the employees of the Emergency Situations Department of Kotayk have announced that the operation to perform the necessary tasks has been temporarily suspended. This decision was made in order to prioritize the urgent measures that need to be taken and ensure the safety of the evacuated children. Their personal belongings and documents have been entrusted to the relevant section of Avan.

The announcement has been deemed valid, leading to the initiation of a military operation. As part of this operation, the children have been successfully evacuated, and preparations for further actions are currently underway.

This is the latest news from Armenia.

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.