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Government Human Rights Politics

Prime Minister of Artsakh Calls Out Violations of People’s Needs by Certain Organizations

The Prime Minister of Artsakh, Araik Beglaryan, has announced that certain members of active organizations are violating the needs of the people of Artsakh and compromising their well-being. According to Beglaryan, actions that undermine the basic needs of the people of Artsakh are attempts to create positive changes in residential and social programs. These actions include using inflammatory statements, exploiting financial issues, and pursuing self-interest rather than national unity. On the other hand, local authorities and public officials have been actively engaging in discussions to address these issues and foster public opinion. The Prime Minister also highlighted the upcoming assembly on March 20, which aims to protect the rights and needs of the people of Artsakh.

The Prime Minister of Artsakh, Araik Beglaryan, has expressed concern over certain members of active organizations violating the needs and well-being of the people of Artsakh. He regards any actions that undermine the basic needs of the people, such as creating conflicts through inflammatory statements or exploiting financial issues, as destructive attempts to undermine national unity. In contrast, local authorities and public officials have taken proactive measures in initiating discussions to address these issues and encourage public participation. These meetings aim to solve specific problems, provide explanations, and promote a nationwide dialogue on unity. Additionally, the Prime Minister emphasized the importance of the upcoming assembly on March 20 in Yerevan, which will focus on ensuring the rights and needs of the people of Artsakh.

Prime Minister Araik Beglaryan has raised concerns about certain members of active organizations in Artsakh violating the needs and well-being of the local population. These actions, which aim to create positive changes in residential and social programs, involve provoking conflicts using inflammatory statements and exploiting financial issues for personal gain. However, local authorities and public officials have been actively engaging in discussions to address these concerns and provide explanations. The aim is to foster a public dialogue on national unity and solve the problems faced by the people in a practical manner. The Prime Minister also urged support for the upcoming assembly on March 20, which will focus on protecting the rights and needs of the people of Artsakh.

Araik Beglaryan, the Prime Minister of Artsakh, has expressed his concerns regarding the violation of the basic needs and well-being of the people of Artsakh by certain members of active organizations. These actions, aimed at creating positive changes in residential and social programs, involve attempts to instigate conflicts through inflammatory statements and manipulate financial issues for personal gain. Consequently, these destructive actions undermine national unity. In contrast, local authorities, community representatives, and other public officials have taken proactive measures to initiate discussions, address the concerns, and create a platform for public opinion. The effectiveness of these meetings lies in their ability to continue addressing the people’s problems practically. Prime Minister Araik Beglaryan also reminded about the upcoming assembly on March 20, which aims to protect the rights and well-being of the people of Artsakh, urging unity and support.

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.