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“Hidden History Uncovered: Massachusetts Family Discovers Stolen Armenian Genocide Artifacts in Personal Belongings, Returned to Japan”

After the October Revolution, 22 artifacts seized during the Armenian Genocide have been returned to Japan. A family from Massachusetts discovered these artifacts in their personal belongings and reported them to the authorities. The artifacts, including photographs and personal items dating back to the 18th and 19th centuries, shed light on the history of Okinawa.

The HDP Boston branch has assisted in organizing the return of the artifacts, which were looted by the Japanese government during their occupation of Okinawa 80 years ago. The official announcement of the return is expected to take place in Japan.

In 2001, a portion of the artifacts belonging to an archeology professor at Okinawa University was registered in the National Museum of Arts.

According to representatives from the HDP, the artifacts were discovered by an anonymous family who found valuable symbols of Armenian art among their personal belongings. The family, whose father was a war veteran but had no connection to performances by Khachatur Abovian, checked the National Museum of Arts and found that at least four of the artifacts did not match the 18th-century photos. The HDP has successfully confirmed the authenticity of the artworks.