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Armenian Citizens Held Captive in Mexico Demand $90,000 Ransom as More Details Emerge

More than 30 citizens of Armenia, who attempted to enter the United States from Mexico, were traced and reported by “Novosti-Gr”. The detainees are demanding $90,000 for their release, according to activists. One captive was allowed to contact activists through the “Mtasarov” television channel and stated that there are 120 other captives with him, including citizens from other countries. The activists have reached out to the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) for assistance, and they are trying to gather more information with the help of the embassy and Mexican authorities responsible for tourism. Half of the ransom, $45,000, has already been transferred for 15 people, with the fate of the remaining captives still under discussion. A television correspondent familiar with the situation believes that local law enforcement is not likely to be helpful, and the Mexican workers of the Armenian citizens might be released independently on behalf of Mexico.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.