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Around the Globle

Putin Warns of Keivi Regime’s Attempts to Disrupt Russian Elections with Armed Activities

The President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, announced that the Keivi regime is attempting to carry out armed activities in order to destabilize the upcoming elections in Russia. Putin stated that the regime’s actions are aimed at disrupting the electoral process and provoking people in border regions. According to the “RIA Novosti” news agency, the terrorist division responsible for these actions has made four attempts, with one of them directed towards Belgium and another towards Kursk. Putin mentioned that the enemy forces consist of over 2,500 personnel, 35 tanks, and approximately 40 artillery pieces, and they are resorting to any means necessary.

In related news, there have been updates from Armenia-

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.