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Government Human Rights Politics

Armenia’s Justice Minister Discusses Human Rights and Collaboration with Civil Society Organizations

Armenia’s Minister of Justice, Karen Karapetyan, recently met with representatives of civil society organizations working in the field of human rights. The meeting, also attended by Karen Zadoyan, the head of the Armenian Lawyers’ Association, focused on various topics related to human rights and justice.

During the meeting, Karapetyan expressed his gratitude to the human rights community for their effective cooperation and joint work in implementing programs related to human rights and justice. He also acknowledged their contribution to the development of the strategic program for 2023-2026 in the defense sphere, as well as their efforts in investment for the development of the judicial and legal system.

The discussions touched on the significant role played by civil society organizations in combating corruption and monitoring the implementation of programs related to the country’s strategic development. They also highlighted the importance of protecting property rights, enforcing intellectual property rights, and focusing on education and international cooperation.

Other important topics included the institutional strengthening of the human rights system, the involvement of civil society representatives in decision-making processes, and the development of mechanisms for public procurement, financial accountability, and transparency. The meeting concluded with an agreement to continue joint efforts and work towards the effective implementation of the planned activities laid out in the strategic program for 2023-2026, in order to achieve the set goals successfully.

This news was reported by, citing the press service of the Ministry of Justice.