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“Pope Francis Shares His Life Journey and Controversial Views in Autobiography: Set to Release on Saint Joseph’s Day”

Pope Francis, who turned 87 years old last year, has written his autobiography titled “Life. My Story within History” (Vita. La mia storia nella Storia), which will be released in Europe and America on March 19, Saint Joseph’s Day, a significant day for Catholics. The book includes his memories of growing up in Italy, his pastoral life, and his thoughts on sexual orientation.

In his autobiography, Francis expresses that he does not plan to retire from his papal duties, stating, “I believe that serving as Pope is a calling, and I do not see any indication of retiring. Although some may hope that I will announce my retirement after a period of rest following my hospitalization, there is no such intention. I am grateful for my good health, and God has many plans that must be carried out.”

Regarding same-sex unions, Francis does not see any harm in blessing them. However, he acknowledges that certain regions, such as Africa, have chosen not to follow this recommendation. He emphasizes that God’s love extends to everyone, particularly sinners, and the decision of bishops not to bless same-sex unions does not carry significant meaning. Nonetheless, he believes that the Church will face a crisis and must remain open to dialogue with LGBTQ+ activists who are fighting for their rights. He asserts that, like Jesus who associated with sinners and tax collectors, the Church should also stand in solidarity with persecuted LGBTQ+ individuals.

Additionally, Francis mentions that there have been attempts within the Vatican to use internal forces against him, similar to what his predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI, experienced before retiring. He recalls that Joseph Ratzinger initially desired to leave the Vatican and lead a pious life, but they mutually agreed that Benedict should continue to participate in the life of the Church.

The release of Pope Francis’ autobiography is eagerly anticipated and will surely provide valuable insights into his life and perspectives. This news is also available in Armenian.

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.