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Occupation Authorities in Artsakh Intimidate Defenders: Manipulation Attempts Revealed, says Spokesperson

According to recent reports, representatives of the occupation authorities have been observed in Artsakh. These individuals have been reaching out and posing puzzling questions, leaving both experts and respondents perplexed. Metaxea Hakobyan, the spokesperson for the “Justice” alliance of the Republic of Artsakh, revealed in an interview with that the intention behind these actions is to intimidate and discourage defenders of Artsakh, preventing them from pursuing meaningful initiatives. However, it is important to clarify that this is not the goal of the Republic of Artsakh or its administration. Our aim is to protect our rights, which we refuse to surrender. Although there may be a few individuals affected by these provocations, it is crucial to recognize that Armenia is not responsible for them, and we must not be deceived. We must strive for a peaceful resolution.

I strongly believe that these endeavors aim to manipulate the opinions of the people of Artsakh. Regardless of their success, it is evident that these provocations are intended to divert attention from any genuine programs aimed at engaging Armenians from Artsakh. In conclusion, Metaxea Hakobyan emphasized that we should remain vigilant and not allow ourselves to be deceived.

News from Armenia

Sports journalist, chronicling the journey of Armenian athletes in national and international arenas.