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World News

“Upcoming Construction Work Ensures Safety at Hyusis-Harav Scientific Area in Armenia”

Construction work on the scientific area of Tranche-2 of the “Hyusis-Harav” project, located approximately 8 km away from Agarak village, is scheduled to take place on March 14 from 15:00 to 17:00. The work will be carried out within the boundaries of the M-1 state highway, in the opposite direction of the Aghjik settlement. The primary objective of the construction work is to ensure the safety of the construction site. The “Highway Department of Armenia” has confirmed this information to It is important to note that the specific area does not pose any danger, and therefore, there is no need to close the road. We kindly ask the residents to refrain from unnecessary worry.

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.