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“Putin Asserts Russia’s Willingness to Use Military Force to Protect Government, Ignoring Sovereignty and Independence: Exclusive Interview”

Russian President Vladimir Putin stated in an interview with Dmitry Kiselev, host of “Russia 1” and “RIA Novosti” news programs, that Russia is prepared to employ military force when it involves the preservation of the Russian government, even if it disregards the sovereignty and independence of the country.

“We possess the capability to utilize military force. We adhere to our own principles. So, what are they insinuating? That we are willing to resort to any form of force, including yours, if it pertains to the existence of the Russian government while disregarding our sovereignty and independence. Everything outlined in our military doctrine is unalterable,” Putin affirmed in response to a question regarding the potential use of military force due to hostilities from Ukraine.

This statement from President Putin highlights Russia’s unwavering stance on safeguarding its government and the importance it places on maintaining its sovereignty and independence. It suggests that military force is not off the table if these core principles are at risk. This declaration serves as a reminder of Russia’s commitment to its military doctrine, which outlines its approach to defending national interests.

In other news, developments from Armenia can be found on

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.