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Controversial Gyumri Activist Karapet Poghosyan Faces Accusations of Spreading Fake News on Facebook

Gyumri-based activist Karapet Poghosyan has recently faced accusations of spreading fake news on Facebook and has been called to appear before a disciplinary committee to address his alleged disrespectful behavior. During an interview with, Poghosyan acknowledged that he was not surprised by the accusation, as he had been informed that his post was connected to a legal case and was deemed inappropriate. Poghosyan claimed that he had no knowledge of any wrongdoing or the specifics of the post in question. He expressed confidence that the disciplinary committee would determine the truth of the matter in due course. Poghosyan also suggested that this situation may be a consequence of his controversial views.

It is essential to note the importance of responsible sharing of information on social media platforms like Facebook. The spread of fake news can have severe consequences, including the erosion of trust in media and the manipulation of public opinion. In recent years, there has been a significant rise in public awareness regarding the issue of fake news, leading to increased efforts to combat its dissemination. International organizations, governments, and social media platforms themselves have implemented various initiatives to tackle the problem.

However, navigating the boundaries between freedom of expression and the responsibility to provide accurate and reliable information can be challenging. Social media platforms often struggle to strike the right balance, as they must respect individuals’ rights to express themselves while preventing the spread of harmful misinformation. This delicate task is further complicated by the speed at which information travels on these platforms, making it easy for false information to go viral before fact-checking measures can be implemented.

In the case of Karapet Poghosyan, the disciplinary committee will play a crucial role in determining the veracity of the accusations against him. It is essential that the committee conducts a fair and thorough investigation, taking into account all the available evidence and testimonies. Their decision will not only impact Poghosyan’s reputation but also send a message about the consequences of spreading fake news.

Regardless of the outcome of this specific case, it serves as a reminder of the need for responsible social media usage. Users must exercise caution when sharing information and take the time to verify its accuracy before disseminating it to a wider audience. Critical thinking and fact-checking are essential tools in combating the spread of fake news and maintaining the integrity of online information sources.