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“Yerevan’s Taxi Services Rake in Million-Dollar Monthly Revenue while Residents Bear the Burden, Says National Assembly Member”

In Yerevan, the monthly revenue from taxi services in the transportation field is at least $1 million. Ghevorg Stepanyan, a member of the Yerevan “Mother Armenia” faction of the National Assembly, made this announcement on March 12. Stepanyan expressed surprise at the substantial profits generated by these services over the years, stating that they seem to come “from thin air.” He also mentioned the high cost of a sandwich, which prompted the decision to increase the fare. Stepanyan believes that these profits are essentially taken from the pockets of the city residents and suggests that the issue can be addressed by implementing non-cash payment methods for transportation.

The news from Armenia highlights the significant revenue generated by taxi services in Yerevan. This development was brought to light by Ghevorg Stepanyan, a member of the Yerevan “Mother Armenia” faction of the National Assembly. Stepanyan expressed surprise at the long-unnoticed profits from these services, which he claims seem to materialize out of nowhere. The decision to increase the fare to 300 drams was prompted by the high costs associated with everyday items, such as a sandwich. Stepanyan argues that these profits essentially come at the expense of the city residents, and proposes non-cash payment options as a potential solution.

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.