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Yerevan’s General Court Grants Motion to Change Restraining Order for Levon Kocharyan in Overthrow Case

Yerevan’s General Court, presided over by Judge Karen Farkhoyan, granted a motion today from the “Armenia” faction of the National Assembly to change the restrictive measures for member Levon Kocharyan in relation to the case involving the overthrow of the constitutional order. The court decided to set bail at 2 million drams.

It is important to note that the Speaker of the National Assembly was present during the 148th special session, which took place today. Levon Kocharyan was also among the attendees.

Just to recall, Levon Kocharyan was arrested in Yerevan on September 22 of the previous year during a rally in support of the Prime Minister. The clashes during the rally were caused by certain individuals, as seen in videos circulated on the Internet. Levon Kocharyan was also detained on the same day and held in custody for a month. He was later released after providing a written guarantee from a security officer.

Levon Kocharyan’s attorneys argue that he has not committed any illegal actions and claim that the prosecution against him is politically motivated.

During the investigation, the lawyers have frequently published videos from the rally. One video shows Hrachik Khachatryan provoking a confrontation, with Levon Kocharyan’s involvement. Another video shows Levon Kocharyan and Sergey Asaturov engaging in a public dispute, which violates Article 3 of the RA Criminal Code, wherein it states that participating in political activities or using administrative resources for political purposes is not acceptable.

Source: News from Armenia –