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“From Enemies to Pen Pals: Saakashvili and Pashinyan Exchange Letters, Reflect on Irony of Life”

Life is a fascinating journey, filled with unexpected twists and turns. It’s funny how things can change over time. I remember a time when I used to write letters to Saakashvili, expressing my opposition to him. And now, he finds himself writing letters to me. It’s an ironic twist of fate.

During my mom’s funeral on March 12, I was surprised to hear Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan mention that back in 2009, he wrote a letter to Saakashvili during his presidency in Georgia. Pashinyan reflected on the complexities of life, remarking how we never know where our paths may lead us.

A journalist present at the event seized the opportunity to inquire about certain portions of that particular letter. In it, Pashinyan had called for the recognition of the independence of the Artsakh Republic. The journalist asked if Pashinyan would consider following his own advice by resigning as prime minister.

Pashinyan responded by stating that he had already heeded that call. He downplayed the significance of his defeat in the 2021 elections, emphasizing that they were conducted fairly and democratically. He questioned why the journalist, who had asked him to resign, had chosen to participate in those elections.

The journalist pressed on, asking about the loss of territories in Armenia and inquiring if and how those losses were being compensated. Pashinyan firmly asserted that Armenia had not lost a single inch of its territory. He clarified that the discussions about demarcation were separate and urged caution in navigating this complex issue.

Emphasizing the importance of preserving the security and sovereignty of Armenia, Pashinyan spoke about the need for careful decision-making based on legal considerations. He likened the challenges they faced to a fever, using the metaphor of turning axes into thermometers to gauge the situation and determine the necessary actions.

In conclusion, Pashinyan reiterated the imperative of making decisions that would help overcome the crisis, protect the country’s armed forces, and preserve its independence and sovereignty. It was clear that he believed in approaching these challenges with a legal and measured approach.

This news from Armenia provides a glimpse into the complex dynamics of politics and the uncertainties of life. It serves as a reminder that our paths can constantly intertwine and lead us down unexpected roads.

Sports journalist, chronicling the journey of Armenian athletes in national and international arenas.