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“Former Artsakh PM Calls for Public Gathering in Yerevan to Address Artsakh Population’s Needs – Join the Discussion!”

Yesterday, a statement was sent to the Mayor of Yerevan regarding the upcoming public gathering in Freedom Square in Yerevan on March 20 at 15:30. The gathering aims to address the needs of the Artsakh population. Ararat Baghramyan, the former Prime Minister of Artsakh, shared this information on his Facebook page.

Baghramyan further explained that the purpose of the gathering is to discuss and enhance the offers and demands of the Artsakh population. The government of Armenia is currently discussing various issues including the provision of housing, financial support for rent, development projects, and ongoing programs.

We invite all concerned individuals to participate in this gathering and contribute to resolving the current issues faced by the Artsakh Armenian community.

Since this is an initial public announcement, the official response from the Mayor of Yerevan will be communicated following established procedures and in due course.

News from Armenia –

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.