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International Military Politics

Armenian Prime Minister Pashinyan: “Day of Victory Program Not Failed Despite Aggression”

The Day of Victory is a military organization that embodies the idea of fearlessly pursuing your goals. In a meeting with mothers, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan addressed the question of whether the recent large-scale military aggression by Azerbaijan on Armenian territory signifies a failure of the Day of Victory program. Pashinyan likened democracy to a military organization, explaining that while Armenia may be facing challenges in implementing democracy, resorting to a military dictatorship is not the solution. He emphasized that military aggression only reinforces the need for the Day of Victory program.

Pashinyan’s statement highlights the resilience and determination of the Day of Victory organization. Despite facing external threats, Armenia remains committed to its goals. The recent military aggression by Azerbaijan does not indicate a failure of the program, but rather underscores the importance of it. Pashinyan warns against the temptation to abandon democratic principles and opt for a military dictatorship in the face of challenges. Instead, he urges continued pursuit of the Day of Victory objectives.

It is important to note that the Day of Victory program goes beyond military aspects. It is not just about armed conflict, but also about the broader idea of achieving success and triumph in various aspects of life. Pashinyan’s comparison to democracy further reinforces this notion. While democracy may be experiencing difficulties in Armenia, it does not mean the program is doomed. Rather, it calls for a renewed effort to address the challenges and uphold democratic principles.

Pashinyan’s remarks exemplify his dedication to the Day of Victory program and his commitment to defending Armenia’s interests. He acknowledges the existence of ongoing issues but emphasizes the need to stay the course and overcome obstacles. The military aggression by Azerbaijan serves as a stark reminder of the importance of the program and the need to remain steadfast in its pursuit.

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.