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Government Politics World News

“Former Prime Minister of Artsakh Calls for Increased Importance of Armenian Border Amidst Contradictory Geopolitical Intentions”

Former Prime Minister of Artsakh, Hayk Khanumyan, recently expressed his views on the importance of the Armenian border in a post on his Facebook page. He suggested that attention should be given to both the Armenia-Artsakh border and the Russia-Iran border, and emphasized the need to cooperate with Turkey’s role and influential participation.

Khanumyan explained that the first objective aims to enhance Turkish influence in the geopolitical region spanning from the South Caucasus to Central Asia. On the other hand, the second objective focuses on the distribution of Turkish influence geographically and involvement in infrastructure projects, while attempting to prevent its further spread.

Although these two intentions may appear contradictory, Khanumyan acknowledged that there are instances where they can be pursued simultaneously. However, he also highlighted that the elites in these regions, who lack alternative options, often bear the brunt of such developments.

These are important considerations that shed light on current events and challenges in Armenia and its neighboring regions.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.