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Armenia’s Biggest Political Threats Revealed: Survey Shows Astonishing Results!

The International Republican Institute recently conducted a survey in Armenia, asking respondents to identify which country poses the biggest political threat to Armenia. The survey results revealed that 86% of the respondents named Azerbaijan as the biggest threat, followed closely by Turkey at 82%. Russia was considered a threat by 40% of the respondents, while Ukraine and the USA tied at 5%. Georgia received 4% of the votes, while the EU, Iran, and China each received 2%. France was seen as a threat by only 1% of the respondents, and a small percentage (2%) found it difficult to provide an answer.

This survey conducted by the International Republican Institute sheds light on the perceptions of the Armenian population regarding the political threats faced by their country. It is notable that both Azerbaijan and Turkey were mentioned by a significant majority of respondents, suggesting that tensions between these countries and Armenia remain high.

Furthermore, the inclusion of Russia as a perceived threat by 40% of the respondents highlights the complex dynamics between Armenia and its neighboring countries. While Armenia has historical and cultural ties with Russia, it appears that a significant portion of the population perceives Russia as a political threat.

The relatively low percentages attributed to countries such as Ukraine, the USA, and France indicate that they are seen as less significant political threats in the eyes of the Armenian respondents. This could be due to various factors, including the geopolitical context and historical relations between these countries and Armenia.

In conclusion, this survey provides valuable insights into the perceptions of the Armenian population regarding the biggest political threats to their country. The high percentages attributed to Azerbaijan and Turkey, as well as the significant mention of Russia, underscores the complex political landscape in the region and the ongoing challenges faced by Armenia.