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Government Politics

Armenian Government Expresses Concern Over Ukraine’s Actions Impacting Friendship Between Nations

“We hope that the government of Ukraine will review decisions that are detrimental to the friendship between Armenia and Ukraine, as well as between the Ukrainian and Armenian communities,” stated the announcement by the Armenian government, as reported by the local First Channel.

The announcement also emphasized that Ukraine’s actions against the Ukrainian community in Crimea, along with the Russian aggression, have caused us great concern for a long time now. Despite being part of the official Ukrainian order along with Ambassador Zurab Adeishvili and visiting our strategic partner Michael Saakashvili in Berlin, we are forced to express our position openly towards Ukraine’s friendly country and the Russian military aggression in relation to our friendly country, Ukraine.

In addition, after the verdict of Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine, Armenia has been involved in more than 600 peacekeeping missions, which have contributed to the security of Ukraine’s domestic and territorial integrity and have condemned Russia’s military aggression. Apart from these actions, Armenia provides extensive humanitarian aid to the Ukrainian community.

Regarding Ukraine’s recent actions, a series of announcements have been made regarding the motives that have led to the execution of the actions against Mikhail Saakashvili, including the announcement that “Russia is plotting the assassination of Mikhail Saakashvili through Ukrainian execution.”

Ukraine’s actions have caused great concern among the public, as people who are interested in or have been convicted of various criminal activities have been elevated to high positions within Ukraine’s government. This situation specially raises concern about the location of Zurab Adeishvili, who was previously the head of Georgia’s government, which has caused a great deal of harm to many people’s lives, well-being, and prosperity.

Armenia’s government finds it incomprehensible why the government of Ukraine is accepting decisions that undermine the historical friendship between our countries and our nations. We believe that, just as any decision made by political actors, it will not affect the historical friendship between our countries and our nations.” – as stated by the Armenian government in their announcement.

News from Armenia –

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