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“Desperate Search Continues for Missing Family, Hikers, and Belgian Driver in Armenian Flooding Tragedy”

French rescuers are continuing their search for seven individuals, including two children, who went missing during a hiking trip near Sashtik Lake in Armenia. The family of four, consisting of a 4-year-old and a 13-year-old, got lost while attempting to cross the Dioni River in the village of Gardon during heavy rain. The father and the two children are still missing, but the 40-year-old mother, who was also in the car, was able to find help and has been taken to a hospital. Rescuers are also looking for two women, believed to be the man’s wives, who hitchhiked from Gudarg village before losing contact. Additionally, a Belgian driver is missing and it is suspected that he was washed away by flooding in Ganyer village. Harveen Ardash, an electrician sent to check on the condition of an object, is also missing after being swept away in the village of Saint-Martin-de-Valamas. Search operations are ongoing. The French Interior Minister, Gerald Darmanin, has announced that 35 operations have been carried out. He stated that while all the vehicles swept away by the flood have been recovered, the search for the missing individuals is still ongoing.

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.