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Economy Politics

“President Biden Declares Compete, Not Conflict, with China in the 21st Century”

President Joe Biden of the United States has expressed his desire for competition rather than conflict with China. During his first major appearance on March 7, he stated, “We want competition with China, not conflict.” The President believes that the US is prepared to win against China or any other country in the competition of the 21st century. In a speech published by the White House, Biden addressed the misconception that China is surpassing the United States, stating, “They have misunderstood everything. America is still ahead.”

Furthermore, President Biden highlighted the strength of the US economy, stating that since assuming office, it has experienced growth. He also emphasized that the trade deficit with China is the smallest it has been in the past two decades. The President expressed his commitment to challenging China’s unfair trade practices and protecting Taiwan’s welfare and security. He has established partnerships and alliances in the Trans-Pacific region to address the issue of American technologies being used in Chinese boots. President Biden emphasized the importance of an equal economic playing field with China, advocating for sportsmanship and fairness.

It is worth noting that Joe Biden succeeded Donald Trump as the President of the United States.

News Source: Armenia News –

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.