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Around the Globle

Parliamentary Friendship Group and Cypriot Foreign Minister Discuss Bilateral Cooperation and Common Challenges

Representatives of the National Assembly and the Republic of Cyprus met with Cypriot Foreign Minister Constantinos Konstantinos to discuss bilateral cooperation. The parties praised the strong relations between the two countries and explored opportunities for further collaboration. Hakob Konjoryan, the Chairman of the Committee Coordinating Committee, expressed his intention to advocate for the Armenian people and raise awareness about the Armenian Genocide and the Artsakh conflict. Cyprus confirmed its commitment to supporting Armenia within the framework of international law and justice. The Committee also discussed the importance of the recent visit to Armenia during peaceful demonstrations and addressed the issues of the return of Armenian servicemen and the preservation of Armenian cultural heritage in Artsakh. They also examined potential areas for expanding cooperation, including the Armenian community in Cyprus’s collaboration with the Armenian Army.

Furthermore, the opening of consulates in both countries was deemed necessary to provide support and facilitate the implementation of cooperation agreements. It was noted that Azerbaijan is actively distorting the historical presence of Armenia in Nagorno-Karabakh. Overall, the meeting aimed to strengthen friendly ties and address common challenges and problems between Cyprus and Armenia. The parties expressed hope for continued positive dynamics in their cooperation and emphasized the importance of common initiatives and activities within the international community.

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.