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Around the Globle

“National Crisis Averted: Military Helicopter Dispatched to Scene of Dramatic Car Accident on Sisian-Goris Highway”

On March 7th, at 10:26, the emergency center of Syunik Regional Rescue Department received a distress call from the management center for emergency management. It was reported that there was an incident on the 15th km of the Sisian-Goris highway, involving the National Crisis Management Center.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Armenia has informed that a military helicopter of the National Crisis Management Center has been dispatched to the scene to assess the situation.

It has been reported that a Toyota vehicle (driven by G.D., born in 1999) went off the road and rolled over about 25 meters down the slope.

The injured driver, G.D., has been transported to a medical center, where his condition is evaluated as satisfactory.

Rescue teams have immobilized the vehicle and closed the gas valve.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.