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Government Politics

“Armenian Government Extends Financial Assistance Program for Displaced from Artsakh, Housing Crisis Looming”

The newspaper ‘Hrapar’ has reported that the deadline for the financial assistance program for those displaced from Artsakh will be extended. The government had previously announced in early October 2023 that they would provide 50,000 drams per month to each affected family until April 2024. The promise is that the displaced residents of Artsakh will receive the full amount by the end of this period.

Tigran Khachatryan, the Minister of Finance of Armenia, who is responsible for the displaced issues, mentioned in an interview on February 27th with Public Television that there are discussions about a housing maintenance program. However, it is not enough to cover the housing needs of the displaced, let alone the requirement for each family to repay at least 3 million drams to the government in 10 years. Additionally, houses purchased with these funds will not be privatized.

It is also known that social assistance in the region of Artsakh will continue from April, albeit with reduced amounts. Families will receive 20,000 drams, and those with special needs will receive 50,000 drams. Recently, the National Assembly of RA officially announced a housing program that aimed to provide housing for the displaced as promised by the government. Yet, the displaced individuals are demanding a 5 million dram solution to the housing issue and a subsidy. This situation highlights the discontent of the displaced residents, who may resort to protests against perceived injustice.

For further details, please refer to the full article in today’s edition of News from Armenia.

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.