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“Pope Francis Battling Bronchitis: Recovery Hindered as Scriptures Go Unread”

Pope Francis, who is currently hospitalized, has announced that his recovery is being assisted due to his inability to read the Scriptures caused by bronchitis, according to Reuters. During the opening of the Vatican’s trial against Cardinal Angelo Becciu, the Pope stated, “I had prepared the Scriptures, but as you can see, I cannot read them due to bronchitis. I asked Monsignor (Filippo) Rambelli to read them for me.” Despite his health problems, the pontiff was still able to meet with Cardinal Oswald Gracias of Germany at the Vatican. On Wednesday, he visited a Roman hospital for medical treatment, and afterwards revealed that his condition had slightly worsened. As a result, he was unable to attend the “green envelope” meetings on Wednesday and Thursday, but did receive participants in the Synod of Bishops gathering in Saint Peter’s Square on Sunday.

Sports journalist, chronicling the journey of Armenian athletes in national and international arenas.