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“Armenian Leadership Engages in Negotiations with Russia Amid Escalating Tensions in Karabakh, Reveals Russian Minister Lavrov”

The leadership of the Republic of Armenia has decided to engage in negotiations with the Russian Federation to address the escalation of tensions in the Karabakh region. This information was announced by Sergei Lavrov, the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs, during a press conference at the Antalya Diplomacy Forum on March 2. Lavrov expressed concern about the negative impact of these negotiations on the ongoing talks. He also disputed the Armenian authorities’ claims that Russia initiated the war with Azerbaijan in September 2020, stating that it was Russia that helped stop the conflict. Lavrov further mentioned that there might have been faster alternatives to the resolution, which could have facilitated the safe return of Armenian refugees to Shushi. However, he acknowledged that this was now a matter of history.

– News from Armenia –

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.