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Around the Globle

“Residents of Yerevan’s Historic Kond Neighborhood Rally Against Municipality’s Demolition Plan and Fee Hike”

Residents of Yerevan’s Kond neighborhood are protesting against the municipality’s decision to demolish the area and implement a new urban development program. They feel ignored by Mayor Hayk Avinyan, who only sends representatives to communicate with them and claims that the decision is unchangeable. The residents are determined to show their strength and defend Kond, declaring their fight against the demolition. They are also calling on Prime Minister Tigran Avinyan to intervene and remove Kond from the agenda, expressing their frustration with the injustice they perceive.

The residents of Kond are particularly upset because during the previous government, Deputy Mayor Tigran Avinyan had announced the renewal of the area as part of the urban development program. However, the current administration is now demanding fees from residents for reconstruction and renovation works on their private property. Each square meter requires a fee ranging from 2,780 to 4,280 drams. This has caused prices to increase by 15% for the residents, following market principles. The residents are questioning whether Mayor Hayk Avinyan will fulfill his promises and solve their problem, as they feel deceived by his campaign promises of free services.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.