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“Tragic Explosion Claims Three Lives and Shakes City of Goris: Investigation Underway”

On February 2, 2024, a tragic accident occurred in the city of Goris, resulting in the death of three individuals. According to, an explosion took place in the cardiac hospital of Goris at 12:10, leading to one person being transferred to the hospital. As a result of the incident, the regional governor’s office of Syunik and the regional administration of the military committee of the RA declared a state of emergency in the affected area. It was discovered that five explosive devices were detonated, including two military grenades and three gas cylinders.

Official documents reveal that a 40-year-old resident of Goris attempted suicide by explosion. The individual simultaneously detonated grenades in the residence of the last victim and the homes of two 40-year-old brothers. Furthermore, a 38-year-old individual, who remains unidentified, was found carrying an explosive device containing an “AK-74” type submachine gun, a homemade detonator made from an aerosol can, and a military uniform. The investigation also found at least 35 5.45mm and 9mm bullets in their possession.

Prior to the incident, on February 2, 2024, the individual placed an explosive device in their car and closed off the intersection of the streets of Yerevanyan and Khachmeruk. This intersection had experienced past incidents of violence due to the noise from the victim’s 40th birthday celebration and a real estate-related problem. The suspect took out an “AK-74” submachine gun but did not use it as passengers from a VAZ-21074 vehicle at the scene intervened. The suspect then fled the scene, leaving their vehicle behind, and sought refuge in the forest.

Based on the evidence found, court proceedings have been initiated regarding the incident, citing relevant articles from the RA Criminal Code. The authorities have determined that the suspect’s intention is considered an attempt to commit mass murder. An investigation has also been launched, and efforts are underway to identify and question witnesses. Operational and investigative activities are being conducted to establish the circumstances of the incident and ensure the safety of the general public.

This is the latest news from Armenia reported by on the tragic accident in Goris.