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Around the Globle

“Farmers Unite: Mass Protests Erupt Across Europe Against Canned Operation and Synthetic Meat”

Grateful farmers in Italy have joined protests organized by their French and German counterparts, according to the Rainews24 television channel. The demonstrations took place in various regions across the country and involved hundreds of participants. In Umbria’s Perugia district, farmers used tractors to block the streets, while in Abruzzo, at least 30 vehicles, including a combine harvester, were seen on the main road. Additional protests occurred in Sicily, Tuscany, and the capital city of Lazio. The farmers are protesting against EM’s “Canned Operation,” which proposes new restrictions and seeks protection against the potential introduction of synthetic meat into the European market.

Over the past few weeks, farmers in France have also intensified their protests. They have been blocking wholesale markets, factories, and slaughterhouses since Monday. The demonstrations have been diverse, with mothers, tractors, livestock and corn stalks, and even yellow vest-clad individuals with their cars contributing to the protests. These actions have effectively disrupted the country just one week before Christmas. From Paris, the movement will travel directly to the Hautes-Pyrenees region.

Furthermore, farmers have resorted to pouring milk and vandalizing local government offices. The FNSEA agricultural trade union has declared these indefinite actions will continue until the end of the week, with 85 out of 96 departments in the country expected to be affected.

This update has been provided by News from Armenia –

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.