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“Controversial Claim: Turkish Professor Accuses Turkey of ‘Destroying’ Iranian Clouds, Influencing Global Temperature”

According to reports, Turkey is allegedly interfering with the Iranian cloud cover, causing visible effects on the global temperature. Samvel Gyulen Osdemir, an aerologist and professor at Istanbul’s Aynalem University, has raised this concern. It has been reported by the Russian news outlet RIA Novosti and has attracted the attention of Forbes Magazine, leading authorities in Iran to create a committee to investigate the possible impact of cloud depletion caused by Turkey.

Osdemir’s article highlights that this type of phenomenon is not unprecedented, citing previous cases of alleged climate manipulation by Israel and the US during the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) demonstrations in 2018. “The attempt to control or alter cloud cover is a well-documented phenomenon,” says Osdemir.

In his observations, Osdemir recalls a period of drought and desertification in Turkey in 2023. Istanbul had no clouds while neighboring countries such as Greece, Bulgaria, and Romania experienced snowfall. Osdemir believes this indicates that Turkey’s geographical location enables significant artificial climate changes through certain programs.

While these claims are significant, it is important to await the findings of the committee investigating this matter. The potential implications of altering cloud cover can have far-reaching consequences on the global climate system. As further research and investigation unfold, it will be of great interest to see how this situation develops and if any actions are taken in response.

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.