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“Freedom of Speech in Armenia on the Decline: Surge in Lawsuits Against Journalists Sparks Concern”

The “Zhoghovurd” newspaper has highlighted the declining freedom of speech in Armenia, evident in the escalating number of lawsuits brought against journalists and their work. In many cases, influential organizations, government bodies, and media entities are initiating these lawsuits to safeguard their own interests.

According to “Zhoghovurd,” there will be a significant surge in lawsuits against journalists and media workers in Armenia in 2023 when compared to 2022. This increase is fourfold, indicating a concerning trend. In recent years, the country’s official gazette has witnessed a rise in legal proceedings, demanding retractions and corrections regarding articles addressing corruption and abuse of power matters.

It is noteworthy that the current authorities, whose core officials previously attempted changes to the “Law on Freedom of Information” in 2013 and 2014, are now advocating for amendments that would restrict the kind of information disclosed to journalists. This move would grant authorities the ability to control and limit access to inconvenient information. These actions serve to undermine transparency and hinder independent journalists’ work, ultimately resulting in a gradual erosion of press freedom.

For more detailed information on today’s article, you can click here.

News from Armenia –

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.