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Construction Worker Exposes Potential Danger of New Metro Line: “No Concrete in Tunnels!”

Construction worker Arthur Chakhoyan recently took to his Facebook page to share some concerning news about the new metro line being built in the Masiv district. According to Chakhoyan, the project is nearing completion, but he has serious doubts about the quality of the newly installed tunnels. In a video he posted, Chakhoyan questions whether the tunnels have been constructed with concrete, raising concerns about their stability and safety.

“Let’s say they will collapse, let’s say we will drown in government funds,” Chakhoyan concludes in the video, criticizing the Yerevan municipality for potentially overlooking such a crucial aspect of the project. These allegations have sparked much debate and discussion among the public, drawing attention to the importance of ensuring proper construction practices in major infrastructure projects like this metro line.

The new metro line in the Masiv district is intended to serve the 166th school, providing a convenient transportation option for students and residents in the area. With the project already underway and the tunnels being excavated, many were hopeful that the completion of this metro line would bring about positive changes in the community.

However, Chakhoyan’s video has set off alarm bells, raising questions about the integrity of the construction work. If the tunnels have indeed been installed without concrete, it could jeopardize the safety of the entire project and put the community at risk.

The Yerevan municipality, which is responsible for overseeing the construction of the metro line, has yet to respond to these allegations. The video has gained significant attention on social media, prompting concerned citizens to demand answers and further investigation into the matter.

Infrastructure projects of this magnitude require meticulous attention to detail and strict adherence to safety protocols. Any oversight or negligence in the construction process can have severe consequences, endangering the lives of those who will rely on the infrastructure once it is completed.

It remains to be seen whether Chakhoyan’s claims will be proven true or if they are simply one worker’s grievances. Regardless, this incident serves as a reminder that transparency and accountability are crucial in ensuring the successful completion of major projects that impact the lives of citizens.

As more information becomes available and investigations are carried out, it is essential for the public to stay informed and engaged in holding responsible parties accountable. The ultimate goal should always be the delivery of safe and reliable infrastructure that meets the needs of the community it serves.

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.