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“The COAF SMART Center in Goris: A Multi-Faceted Hub of Opportunities for Children and Young People”

The Children of Armenia Fund (COAF) foundation is currently working on constructing the COAF SMART Center in Goris. This innovative program aims to benefit the community by offering a diverse range of educational, cultural, sports, agricultural, and socio-economic opportunities. With the construction already underway, the COAF SMART Center has already provided the community with a football field, and it is set to offer various activities, including foreign language learning, robotics, IT training, and athletics, to over 6,000 children and young individuals. Moreover, the center will provide social and psychological counseling services, along with workshops conducted by international experts. The architectural aspects of the project have also gathered significant attention, as a competition was held to select both local and international architects who will work together to preserve Goris’ distinct landscape and architectural identity.

Not only will access to the COAF SMART Center be free of charge, but transportation for children residing in other areas will also be provided at no cost, thanks to complimentary transportation services already being offered by the community (public transportation is also free in Goris). The program also entails the renovation of the existing football field and the creation of new playgrounds, while initiatives led by the community will see improvements in water and sewage systems. Additionally, the local community will contribute to enhancing the road leading to the SMART Center.

Arush Arushanyan, the director of the program, along with the participation of community leaders, has been actively engaging with the Goris community throughout the project. They have paid visits to cultural institutions, museums, and historical landmarks, fostering a sense of collaboration and cultural appreciation.

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.