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Around the Globle

“Child’s Call” NGO Rejects Meeting with Minister of Education, Vahé Ghazaryan: Ready to Fight for Justice and Freedom

“Child’s Call” NGO has made the decision to reject the meeting with the Minister of Education, Vahé Ghazaryan, as announced on their official Facebook page. The reason behind this rejection stems from the events that took place during the “Erebuni Plaza” military parade on September 21, where acts of violence by law enforcement resulted in casualties, particularly among the children of soldiers who sustained physical injuries.

Despite more than a year having passed since those violent incidents, there has been a lack of adequate response from the authorities. It is important to note that a significant number of the children who were injured during the “Erebuni Plaza” military parade are affiliated with “Child’s Call” NGO. Earlier this year, on January 20, the Minister of Defense expressed a desire to meet with the parents of the injured children.

However, “Child’s Call” NGO firmly states that it will not consider any proposal from the current government’s representatives. The organization points out that it is the same government whose actions have led to the injury of our children, violation of the Republic of Armenia’s territories, wrongful imprisonment of 15 soldiers, war and destruction in Artsakh, and ongoing loss of military servicemen on the active frontlines of the Armenian Army. In light of these national injustices, “Child’s Call” NGO is determined to fight and do everything within its power to free the country from this government, to which Vahé Ghazaryan belongs as a representative.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.