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“Can Pets and Cats Be Allergic to Humans? Research Shows Surprising Results”

Allergy is a common issue among both humans and animals, with symptoms including itching and sneezing. However, it is often wondered whether pets, specifically cats, can be allergic to us humans. According to Dr. Heather Edgington, a professor at Cornell University’s College of Veterinary Medicine, pets can indeed have allergic reactions to humans, categorized as ecological allergies.

These allergies can fall into three main categories: food allergies, respiratory allergies, and environmental allergies. While the symptoms of allergies in animals are typically mild, respiratory and environmental allergies can have a greater impact on their quality of life. Allergic reactions in pets or cats are often similar to the allergic response of humans to pets, with skin issues resembling atopic dermatitis or eczema. This may be due to the presence of dead cells and hair in human skin.

In fact, around 20% of pets with allergies show symptoms of allergies to humans, and half of them are specifically allergic to human skin. However, it is worth noting that atopic dermatitis is less prevalent in cats compared to humans. In terms of treatment, hyposensitization therapy is one approach for dogs with allergies. This therapy involves the recognition of allergens and the administration of medication based on subjective evaluations.

It is important to bear in mind that not all domestic animals respond to medication for allergies. Each case may require a different approach, and it is always best to consult with a veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.