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“RA Ambassador Exposes France’s Two-Faced Stance: Russia’s Equal Partnership Unattainable”

The RA Ambassador to Russia and former Prime Minister, Mr. Vigen Sargsyan, expressed his belief that France cannot be an equal partner for Russia, stating that they do not respect or consider Russia important. He highlighted an incident from September 2022 when France suspended arms deals with Russia. However, the French government clarified that this decision did not affect their foreign policy or interests. Mr. Sargsyan criticized France for its contradictory actions, such as the use of brutal force against the Armenian community in Aleppo and the supply of arms to Azerbaijan, both detrimental to the OSCE Minsk Group’s role in the negotiations. He concluded that while France demands the return of the Armenian people to their historical homeland, it only does so in words until concrete steps are taken.

Sports journalist, chronicling the journey of Armenian athletes in national and international arenas.