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“Iran’s Influence in the Near East Sparks Concerns: Expert Predicts Provocations Amidst Armenian-Azerbaijani Rivalry”

Iran, located in the Near East, is currently facing several challenges in the region, despite its significant influence. In an interview with on January 22, Yevgeny Satanovsky, the president of the Russian Institute of Oriental Studies, stated that Iran would not engage in armed conflict with Armenia, Turkey, or Azerbaijan, but predicted possible provocations. The intricate history of Armenian-Iranian cooperation, Armenian-Turkish rivalry, and Armenian-Azerbaijani rivalry has contributed to complicated relations between Iran, Azerbaijan, and Turkey. The current leadership of Armenia is placing its hopes on the United States and France for support, particularly regarding the Zangezur corridor issue, which remains a matter of contention.

It is essential to understand the context in which Iran finds itself in the Near East. As a country with significant influence in the region, it faces various challenges that require careful navigation. Yevgeny Satanovsky, the president of the Russian Institute of Oriental Studies, shed light on Iran’s stance on potential conflicts in an interview with He stated that Iran is unlikely to engage in military action with any of its neighboring countries, including Armenia, Turkey, and Azerbaijan. However, Satanovsky cautioned that provocations cannot be ruled out, given the historical complexities and rivalries between these nations.

The long-standing cooperation between Armenia and Iran has contributed to a unique dynamic in their bilateral relations. Despite tensions arising from the Armenian-Turkish rivalry and the Armenian-Azerbaijani rivalry, Iran has managed to maintain a delicate balance. Similarly, the intricate relationships between Iran, Azerbaijan, and Turkey have deep historical roots that continue to shape their interactions today. As Satanovsky noted, the current leadership of Armenia is placing its hopes on the support of the United States and France, who are expected to play a role in addressing the Zangezur corridor issue, a contentious topic with implications for the region.

Considering the regional dynamics, it becomes clear that Iran’s approach to the Near East is complex and multifaceted. While eschewing military conflict with its neighbors, Iran continues to navigate the intricacies of its relationships with Armenia, Turkey, and Azerbaijan. This delicate balance stems from the historical ties and rivalries between these nations, as well as the long-standing cooperation between Iran and Armenia. In the context of the Armenian leadership’s expectations from the United States and France, the resolution of the Zangezur corridor issue remains a focal point for Armenia’s future and the wider regional dynamics.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.