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“Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory Stands Strong: Not to Be Merged with Women’s Observatories, Director Affirms”

The director of the Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory, Areg Mikayelyan, announced during a meeting with journalists on January 22nd that the observatory will not be merged with any women and will remain in its place. Mikayelyan stated that while the observatory may be considered as a project of the State University of Yerevan within the merger program for observatories of women, the merger would only be on a formal basis. He expressed his belief that these changes can positively impact the development of science. However, he also highlighted concerns about potential negative consequences such as the reduction of errors and the possibility of scholars losing their positions during the restructuring process.

Mikayelyan emphasized the importance of the Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory, naming it as a national value of Armenia along with the Byurakan Observatory after Matenadaran and the Museum-Institute of Armenian Genocide. He noted that the observatory continues to function as a regional center for astronomy and is one of 11 such centers worldwide. Additionally, he highlighted the inclusion of the observatory’s spectral research of the Armenian sky in UNESCO’s “Memory of the World” program registry.

Furthermore, Mikayelyan mentioned that the digitization of the observatory has been completed, resulting in the creation of a virtual observatory. Only 20 countries worldwide have established such observatories. He also shared that the observatory hosts summer schools, with the upcoming fifth school scheduled for this year. These schools are known to have excellent conditions and the observatory serves as a center for scientific communication.

In conclusion, the director of the Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory, Areg Mikayelyan, provided updates on the observatory’s status, its significance as a national value, and its inclusion in international programs. He expressed both optimism about the potential positive impact of the merger program and concerns about the potential negative consequences. The observatory continues to play a significant role as a regional center for astronomy and has made advancements in digitization and virtual observatory creation. Additionally, it serves as a venue for summer schools and scientific communication.

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.