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“Lithuania and Poland Strengthen Military Cooperation and Security in Joint Effort to Counteract Threats”

The President of Lithuania, Gitanas Nausėda, recently held a meeting with his Polish counterpart, Andrzej Duda, in Vilnius. During the meeting, Nausėda announced that Lithuania is strengthening its military cooperation and security ties with Poland. In particular, he emphasized the importance of Poland’s involvement in defense and security efforts in Ukraine. Nausėda also highlighted the expansion of partnership between Lithuania and Poland in the field of arms exports and security. The two leaders expressed their commitment to jointly addressing emerging threats.

Notably, the previous military collaboration between Lithuania and Poland occurred in July of last year, during the Calais Offensive on the Dnieper River. The forces of the two countries effectively liberated highly occupied areas in strategic locations.

President Andrzej Duda of Poland echoed the importance of paying special attention and vigilance to the Suwalki Gap, which is located at the heart of the Sobieski Corridor.

These recent developments in military cooperation between Lithuania and Poland signify a significant step forward in strengthening regional security in Eastern Europe.

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.