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“Israel to Shift Responsibility for Settlement Freeze Obligations to Norway Amidst Controversy”

The Israeli government has made the decision to delegate certain obligations concerning the freeze of settlement construction in the Gaza Strip to Norway, according to officials cited by Reuters. As part of the agreements made in the 1990s for the Middle East peace process, Israel’s Finance Ministry is responsible for collecting taxes and making monthly transfers to the Palestinian Authority. However, there have been recent reports that Israel’s demand to halt the transfer of funds to the Palestinian Authority has been rejected by the United Nations and Norway, who are entrusted with overseeing the transfer of funds.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has emphasized the need for Norway and the United Nations to protect decisions regarding the transfer of financial obligations, thereby ensuring their preservation. In a statement released by Netanyahu’s office, it was declared that the funds will be transferred in their entirety, with no acceptance of any conditions that would restrict the payment of wages to its employees, including those in Gaza.

“We strongly oppose any attempt to limit our financial rights or impose conditions from Israel that would prevent the payment of salaries to our people in the Gaza Strip,” stated Hussein Al-Sheikh, the head of the Palestinian Civil Affairs Committee.

Bassel Smotrich, the leader of the Western-backed alliance, also affirmed his commitment to not “retreat” from Gaza.

Sports journalist, chronicling the journey of Armenian athletes in national and international arenas.