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Around the Globle

“Tram Collision with Metro Maintenance Device Sparks Chaos and Injuries in Istanbul” or “Metro Maintenance Mishap: Tram Damaged and Passengers Injured in Istanbul Accident”

According to Sozcu TV, a collision occurred between the maintenance device of the metro line that connects the center of Istanbul with the main airport and a tram near the metro station. This unfortunate incident resulted in damage to the tram and injuries to passengers. Turkish television has even aired footage illustrating the operation of the maintenance device, shedding light on the specifics of the incident. As a result of the collision, the tram suffered damage, and several metro passengers were injured as well.

In response to this incident, a spokesperson for the Turkish transportation ministry has provided an update. The spokesperson announced that the necessary renovation work has been completed following the collision. This means that the affected areas have been repaired and necessary measures have been taken to prevent similar incidents in the future. The completion of the renovation work ensures the smooth operation and safety of the metro line connecting Istanbul’s center to the main airport.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.