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“Hamas and Israel Conflict: Gas Incident Claims More Lives in 15 Years than Ever Before, UN Report Reveals”

According to a report by the United Nations “Canaan” Gender Equality Organization, the current conflict between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip has resulted in a significantly higher number of casualties compared to the past 15 years combined.

The report reveals that since the conflict began on October 7, 2023, approximately 25,000 Palestinians have lost their lives.

In addition, the report highlights the devastating impact on civilians, with around 70% of the casualties in Gaza being civilians or children. Shockingly, mothers are being killed every two hours.

Currently, Gaza is facing a severe shortage of medical facilities, with only two functioning hospitals in the city of Gaza, both of which are closed.

The lack of access to clean water and sanitation, including basic field hygiene, is further exacerbating the health crisis for the people of Gaza.

The ongoing conflict has also severely limited communication and electricity, making it extremely difficult for international humanitarian aid to reach and support the affected population.

As a result of the conflict, approximately 1.9 million people in Gaza, accounting for 85% of the total population, have been displaced. Shockingly, it is estimated that one million of these displaced individuals are women and children.

Earlier, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) reported that around 20,000 children have been born during the ongoing conflict, many of whom are experiencing the traumatic effects of warfare, including the loss of family members and exposure to precarious living conditions.


Note: This article is also available in Russian.


Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.