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“One Year On: Families of Fallen Soldiers in Armenia Seek Justice and Compensation for Military Training Ground Explosion”

One year has passed since the explosion at the military training ground in Azat village of Gegharkunik region in Armenia, which affected 15 soldiers’ families. These families continue to grieve and seek justice, both in terms of compensation and legal proceedings. They firmly believe that the responsible official should be held accountable, and they feel that their grievances are being ignored at the national level. Currently, the case is in the legal phase, and Levon Khachatryan, a witness from the authorities, is being questioned. The families claim that he manipulated the evidence.

Among the fallen soldiers was Armen Hakob Kirakosyan, who had just turned 20 and was supposed to be discharged on January 24. This tragic incident at the Azat military training ground in Vardenis shattered the lives of 15 soldiers, including Kirakosyan. He leaves behind a one-year-old baby. The parents are still struggling to come to terms with the loss of their child.

According to the families’ accounts shared with, on the evening of January 18, Hakob volunteered to be the first to take the guard shift. He went to check the oven and then spoke with his comrades about what had happened. Until now, there has been no news about him, Armen, or the other 14 soldiers and their families.

“I demand to meet with my child before January 24, from the Minister of Defense, the Prime Minister, or anyone else if necessary. I entrusted my child to them, and I am physically capable and willing to bear this burden,” said the grieving mother.

The families are distraught over the current level of compensation, considering it to be insufficient. Therefore, they demand a thorough investigation into the incident at the highest level. The father, Gabriel Kirakosyan, expressed his frustration, saying, “The authorities closed the case on the morning of January 19. They ordered that the operation be officially completed within 24 hours. They turned a blind eye to anything related to the responsible official. Those sitting in power are benefiting greatly from this operation. The criminals responsible are still at large. These children should not have to experience the cruelty of losing a loved one without knowing the truth.”

The families are not only concerned about the inadequate compensation but also worry about ongoing legal proceedings. They have faced threats and intimidation while seeking justice and exposing the truth. Gabriel Kirakosyan, the father, revealed, “On the morning of January 19, the prime minister’s office closed the case. It was the prime minister’s order to carry out the operation. They ignored anything related to the responsible official. These provocateurs, who are in power, have benefitted greatly from this operation. They stole from the scene. They even installed a gambling machine. This negligence resulted in the death of our soldier. They are trying to hide the murder of an Armenian soldier.”

The families have raised questions about military officials and the possible involvement of those in charge of arms procurement. They are also questioning the role of the government in evaluating military assets. Gabriel Kirakosyan emphasizes, “I am questioning the government. Other than four empty warehouses, what assets do you have there that you evaluate? You entrusted this child’s life, armed this cell, concealed the violations from yourselves, covered them up, painted the buildings to your liking, and did whatever you pleased. But what about the state’s responsibility for the machine guns in the hands of the soldiers?”

The families are determined to fight for justice despite facing threats and harassment throughout the process. One of the surviving soldiers, who witnessed the incident, is now outside the military base and displaying signs of mental distress as he tries to shed light on what truly occurred. A voice recording from the military base reveals, “The soldier who made the call said, ‘There is a fight at the Axper barracks. Five people went out, and only the soldiers’ caps remained.'”

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.