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Around the Globle

“Armenia Sets the Stage for Enhanced Justice with Opening of New Arbitration Center and Certification of 14 Arbitrators”

A new Arbitration Center has recently been opened, alongside a training course designed to certify new arbitrators. During a press conference on January 18, Grigor Minasyan, the head of the Arbitration Court, made this announcement, highlighting the successful certification of 14 new arbitrators.

At the same press conference, the index of judicial indicators was also presented. This index takes into consideration 31 different indicators during the evaluation period. In the previous year, the authority of 33 judges was terminated, with 10 of them being revoked due to judicial misconduct.

Significant improvements have been made to the conditions of various court buildings. The Commercial Court building has been restored, the Administrative Chamber of the SCC has undergone renovation, and a new building for the first instance of the Administrative Court has been established at 3/9 Tbilisyan Street. Furthermore, a long-term program focusing on the standardization of court buildings has been initiated.

These developments mark a positive step forward for the Armenian judicial system, enhancing its efficiency and overall effectiveness.

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.