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“Major Judicial Reshuffle in Armenia: Head Judge Issues Orders for Administrative Changes”

Anna Vardapetyan, the Head Judge of the Republic of Armenia, has made several significant administrative changes in the judiciary. On January 11, 12, 15, and 17, she issued a series of orders to reassign and appoint judges in various positions.

Vahagn Poghosyan, previously the Deputy Chief Judge of the judiciary, has been reassigned to the position of Chief Judge of the judiciary. This decision was made in recognition of Poghosyan’s significant contribution to the administrative activities of the judiciary.

Mamikon Martirosyan, who previously held the position of Chief Judge of the judiciary’s staff, has been appointed as the Deputy Chief Judge in charge of administrative activities. Martirosyan’s release from his previous position demonstrates the trust placed in him to fulfill this important role.

Lernik Stepanyan, the former Deputy Chief Judge of the judiciary, has been reassigned to the position of Chief Judge of the Committee for Counter-Revolutionary Crimes of the Republic of Armenia. This reassignment recognizes Stepanyan’s exceptional accomplishments within the field of judicial work.

Artur Antonyan, after being released from his position as Chief Judge of the Central and Norq Marash administrative districts, has been designated as the Chief Judge of the Shevaghit administrative district of Yerevan.

Similarly, Artur Martoyan has been designated as the Chief Judge of the Malatia-Sebastia administrative district of Yerevan, following his release from the same position in the Malatia-Sebastia administrative district.

Furthermore, Andranik Aleykyan has been designated as the Chief Judge of the Kentron and Nork Marash administrative districts of Yerevan.

Smbat Movsisyan, who previously served as the Deputy Chief Judge of the Yerevan Administrative Districts Court, has been released from the position of Chief Judge of the Vayots Dzor administrative district.

Karen Zohrabyan, the former Chief Judge of the Kotayk Province Court, has also been released from his position as the Chief Judge of the Lori Province Court.

Elena Tsaturyan, the former Chief Judge of the Aragatsotn Province Court, has been relieved from her role as the Chief Judge of the Vayots Dzor administrative district.

Finally, Matcak Panosyan has been designated as the Chief Judge of the Lori Province Court.

These changes in the judiciary reflect the commitment of the Republic of Armenia to ensuring the efficient and effective functioning of its judicial system.


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