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Environment Health

“Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Strikes Again: H5N1 Detected in Northern Hungary”

Highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5N1) has recently been detected in Hungary, specifically in the northern border region of Komárom. In response, the national veterinary authority quickly took action and culled all 39 birds found in the area to prevent further spread and ensure the safety of poultry. Additionally, to contain the outbreak, sanitary zones have been established within a 3-kilometer radius, with observation zones extending to a 10-kilometer radius, as stated in the announcement on the national veterinary authority’s website.

This recent case follows a similar outbreak that occurred in January in the Western Solnok county, where all 7,000 turkeys within the affected region were also culled. It is important to note that these occurrences are not limited to Hungary alone, as other European countries have also reported cases of highly pathogenic avian influenza.

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.