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“Government in the Crosshairs: Head of ‘I Have a Word’ Group Alleges Harassment and Questions Armenia’s Response to External Threats”

If someone can make a phone call and publicly indicate that someone’s life is in danger, urging a soldier to immediately leave the house, the responsibility lies with the recipient of the call rather than the caller. During an interview on January 18 on Mamul’s “I Have a Word” program, Tamar Tovmasyan, the leader of the “I Have a Word” group, revealed that she had been harassed by an individual she had previously encountered in the National Security Service, who has since passed away. She also mentioned that Prime Minister Suren Papikyan and Chief of Staff Nikol Pashinyan had alerted the public to an external threat, urging citizens to return today.

“This indicates a lack of control over the performance of Nikol Pashinyan and his political team. The government should treat this demand as a direct incitement to violence, as the soldier simply followed orders,” she stated.

Furthermore, what exactly does an external threat mean? Does it automatically imply criminality? What is being done about individuals who pose a destabilizing influence? If acts of violence occur at any time, the government holds the responsibility,” she added.

These are the latest news from Armenia as reported by

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