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“Armenian Authorities Allocate Substantial Funds to Support Major Initiatives: Generous Donors Revealed Amid Fundraising Campaign”

The Armenian authorities, through their “Political Agreement” fund, have allocated a significant amount of money to support various major initiatives, as reported by “The People” newspaper. In a fundraising campaign organized by the fund, a total of 509,085,950 AMD (approximately $1,262,681) was collected from 996 donors.

“The People” newspaper has also published a list of the most generous donors in the campaign. The “BAS Volunteer” CJSC topped the list with a donation of 700,000 AMD, followed by Mr. Samvel Sanosyan, the head of the RA Territorial Administration and Infrastructure Development, who contributed 300,000 AMD. The RA Prime Minister’s Office and the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Public Security also made donations of 250,000 AMD each.

According to previous reports, Mr. Gor Baklachyan, currently serving as the head of the RA Financial Monitoring Center, has made a generous donation to the fund. Unofficial reports suggest that Mr. Baklachyan has recently become a shareholder of the PEC, where he previously held a high-ranking position.

Karen Sarukhanyan, a member of the “Political Agreement” coordination committee, also participated in the fundraising campaign and donated 100,000 AMD. He has gained recognition for his efforts in transporting supplies during the recent crisis, despite challenging conditions.

“The People” newspaper is committed to providing detailed coverage of the list of donors, as it has received a request from the Information Freedom Center. This request aligns with the requirements of the PEC, where the “Political Agreement” supporters’ group previously signed a memorandum of understanding. According to the memorandum, the group is obligated to provide information on the allocation of funds to the IFC by January 12, 2024.

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