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Russian Peacekeeping Forces Fail to Protect Rights and Security of Armenian Population in Nagorno-Karabakh: Armenian Representative

It is evident that Russia has not upheld the obligations it made on November 9, 2020. Roman Bakoyan, representative of the Civil Contract Party, revealed in an interview with that the Russian peacekeeping forces failed to protect the rights and ensure the safety of the Armenian population in Nagorno-Karabakh. This resulted in the displacement of over 100,000 people from Armenia. Bakoyan believes that this failure also reflects poorly on Azerbaijan, as neither country fulfilled the terms outlined in the November 9 announcement.

Bakoyan emphasized the need for the Russian peacekeepers to enforce the ceasefire conditions within their own security zones. He argued that if a control regime is necessary for a corridor, it should be implemented based on the principle of change. Bakoyan also pointed out that while he was able to speak on this issue as a participant in the Russian-Azerbaijani negotiations in the past, Russia no longer has the right to speak on it. He questioned the lack of evidence of any document regarding the mediation between Russia and Azerbaijan.

The representative made it clear that Armenia has consistently expressed its position on the 9th point of the November 9 announcement. He stressed that the two signatories, including Russia, are guarantors, and therefore cannot interfere with the issue since they themselves are signatories. Bakoyan firmly stated that the implementation of the corridor is a necessity.

Bakoyan concluded by stating that the tension in Armenia is directly connected to Russia. He believes that Russia is trying to perpetuate this tension in order to preserve Armenia’s political system. He suggested that the opponents should be judged based on the argument that they are undermining Armenia’s sovereignty.

This is an article from reporting on the situation in Armenia regarding the fulfillment of the November 9 announcement.